Saturday, February 6, 2010

Maybe he needed to be wanted...

Hello, my dear and loyal blog.

I must say, my little perfect life wave must be coming to an end. Not so much a graceful one, either... and by that, I mean shortly after my last post I managed to fall on my left hand and re-sprain my wrist. Yeah, I suck, I know. I'm stuck with this brace on for God knows how long, and I had my riding lesson this morning without it, which was horrible because it hurt like a bitch. Guhh. I'm not doing so hot these days.

Speaking of hot, it's still close to -25 or -30 everyday now. I'm desperately hoping for a warmer February, because January's weather was just plain weird. It was uber cold one day, then -12 the next. In January, on the east coast... damn you, global warming! You're making all the Canadians come out of hibernation early, then freezing them to death! (I've seriously considered hibernating for the winter before. Then I realized I physically can't do that. )

Summer, please, PLEASE be on your way. We need to thaw out a bit. Lately, I've been daydreaming of laying down in the sand by Parlee Beach with my friends, absorbing as much heat as possible in a bathing suit... swimming everyday, biking everywhere, and best of all being able to ride in a t-shirt rather than three layers of clothing. Oh dear sunshine, how I miss thee.

Just a couple more months now until June. I'll be turning 15... all my friends will be fifteen by summer time. Sarah's birthday just passed, and all of Brett's, Ryan's, Kelsey's and my birthdays are within 20 days of each other. We're all Geminis, it's damn peculiar really. Goddamn, this is gonna be one amazing summer. And this time around, I have nothing to fear related to my loved one leaving for Nova Scotia at the end of the season. Ryan isn't going anywhere and I gotta say, I don't think I'd appreciate him as much if last summer had been different. Now a few shoutouts to the people I love, just cause' I'm in a good mood.

Ryan, I love you so much. You take such good care of me and you're amazing. <3
Sarah, you're a beautiful individual and I am infinitely proud of you. <3
Kelsey, you're the best wife ever. Nuff' said. <3
Brett, you are my best friend and someone I could never live without. I hope I never lose you. <3
Taryn, you are inspiring and positive... and a good friend. <3

And I think that's it. I'm going to go take a shower now and try to get some of this horse smell off of me before Ryan calls. I'll post again before V-day, probably with some long rant... stay tuned!

Yours truly,

- Lexi

Music: Bully by Three Days Grace

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