Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Heads we will, and tails we'll try again.


It's currently hovering just around midnight over here on the East coast. I must say I am rather fatigued... but I just felt the need to write something before I went to bed... so blog, I turn to you.

I know I haven't updated much lately. It's not that nothing has been happening, hell, tones has been happening, I just never get around to writing about it I guess. I have to come up with the clever wording in my head usually, before I post. I'm strange, I am aware.

So, today was my last day seeing Kelsey until April. Why, you may ask? Well, she's leaving tomorrow for the several day journey by call to Philadelphia, where she will take a plane on March first to Costa Rica. She and her grandparents, with whom she lives, are gonna be staying there for exactly a month, from the first to thirty-first. Our circle of friends will miss her dearly I know, and I'll probably feel a bit lost without her as I always do. We're really the best of friends; we know next to everything about each other. But I want her to have enough fun for me too, so I've been trying not to make her think about the fact that she's really leaving.

In any case, we all bid our farewells to her today. It was rather sad... but it'll be just fine. When she returns, we will welcome her with open arms and many a "OMG KELSEY'S BACK!!", among other yelling. Have fun Kelsey! We love you. <3

On a different note, I believe that StumbleUpon is bad for my health. What is StumbleUpon? Well, it's this nifty little website where you can create an account and check all these little boxes with subject next to them that interest you (science, fashion, health, desks, etc.) and then when you hit the "Stumble" button, it will take you to a seemingly random web page that has something to do with one or more the the topics you listed. It's really a nifty thing... but it's addictive. One particular night last night, I stayed up past midnight playing Space Invaders. I hear them in my head, man... just getting faster and faster and faster and... well you get it. Anyway, it's really kinda cool and if you wanna check it out, Ale has been awesome enough to provide you with a direct link to the website. Have fun stumbling, but make sure to keep your eye on the clock. Heh heh.

Anyway, this has been good. To be honest, I always think "oh, I don't want to write in my blog tonight, I'll do it later" but whenever I do, I find myself not regretting it but being glad that I posted. Ahh, well, goodnight bloggy-land.

Yours truly,

- Lexi

Music: Why Don't You And I - Santana and Chad Kroeger (really cute song. <3)

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