Friday, January 1, 2010

Resolutions, anyone?

So last night was New years Eve, which I spent with Sarah, Frankie and Ryan. What a night, it was so much fun. <3

- Eat healthier (more fruits and veggies, less cheese.)
- Have a flat stomach by summer time (obtain this goal by getting a gym membership at RHS.)
- Obtain another piercing or two?
- Participate in the Frye Festival this year
- Get a first job
- Mend my relationship with Derrick Never think about Derrick again, for the sake of my sanity.
- Remember those three things you were always told to avoid... and AVOID THEM, DAMNIT.
- And last but not least, have fun. I'm in high school now. Time to do all the crazy shit I can.

I'd say that's a good enough list. I've got a lot of work to do.
To anyone who reads this, leave me a comment with your resolutions for this new year.

Yours truly,

- Lexi

Music: Tik Tok - Kesha (I can't help it, man. That song is so damn catchy.)

1 comment:

  1. It is catchy, not gonna lie.

    My resolution is more a plan than anything. Be healthier. :D
    Accomplished by:
    -not eating red meat and as much junk
    -skating in the winter
    -weight room membership at the school
    -football all summer
    -join JV football team (another goal of mine)

    I think that's a fairly good list too. Plus getting my eyebrow and belly button pierced. :]

